This was an excellent read! I especially resonated with that line about what’s hard for the ego is nourishing for the soul. Phew!! 😮‍💨

What I’ve discovered about myself since taking my own sabbatical is that I was using my business as a way to prove I have worth and value (which led to an unhealthy relationship with it when things didn’t go how I wanted). I’ve learned that I don’t need nearly half of what I thought I did to be at peace. Having half of what I want and everything I need is enough for me.

My favorite question lately to deepen my understanding has been “what are you pretending to not know?”. I’ve been surprised by the answers.

Thank you for a great read. I hope you have a beautiful day! 🌹✨

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Jun 15Liked by Olivia Lara Owen

There is thread of this piece that has pierced me and is traveling through my body, like poking holes of light in my organs. Thank you. 🙏🏽

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This pierced right through me, thank you. So happy to have you here on the Substack family. Love you so much!

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Jun 15Liked by Olivia Lara Owen

Thank you. Every word deeply resonates. To digest one’s life is a true necessity. I’ve been taking the time to do so myself. Letting go of it all can be filled with so much as you say. Yet life supports in so many ways. I look forward to hearing what you birth feom this spot of deep devotion. And I love this thread of Opulent Nature that is birthing though you. It feels so abundant and rich with the golden thread of life. 💙 the essence of Mother. Much love.

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Oh my love. Your words touched me right in the back of my heart. I so appreciate this reflection of "Mother" it is easier for me to see in the mirror of you. Thank you.

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Nature’s opulence feels like waterfalls, Lucious forests, unending bounty of the mother and the fact that you will always have everything you need. Such a necessary balm for a world so steeped in scarcity.

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That reverberated through me. Thank you.

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